gimp 名刺 平面
gpaste gnome shell extensions gnome org shell extension gnome shell extension gpaste gpaste gpaste gnome shell extension clipboard management system application x addon symbolic addons shellextensions moderntoolkit gpl 3 0 http
thunderbird network email gtk thunderbird is an email client that allows you to read write and organise all of your email messages it is compatible with most email accounts including the most popular webmail services thunderbird is designed by mozilla
0ad desktop 0ad 0 a d a real time strategy game of ancient warfare ein echtzeitstrategiespiel das die kriegsfuhrung der antike behandelt un juego de estrategia en tiempo real de guerra antigua un jeu de stategie militaire en temps reel dans l antiquite
armagetron desktop armagetron armagetron 3d motorcycle battle armagetron is a 3d tron inspired game where the player controls a motorcycle that emits a immovable wall behind it gameplay consists of 2 of these cycles battling to trap each other to force